Wednesday, March 9, 2011

And so to begin...

..... the annual Lenten journey begins today.

It starts small with waking up with a smile, knowing that I am about to embark on a special endeavor.  I plan to take the time to watch and wait and listen, to study and prepare and be ready, to cleanse and purify and purge.  I plan to take this gift of Lent and see what God calls forth from me.

But what specifically does that mean?

The culture 'out there' speaks to giving up.... giving up candy.... giving up television... giving up soda..  I don't want to 'give up'.  I DO want to be careful with what I put into this body you gave me.  I DO want to glorify you by following good healthy lifestyle practices.

I DO want to simplify my lifestyle so I can spend more time with God's children and less time with STUFF.

I DO want to GIVE BACK... giving alms is a Lenten practice.. so I plan to continue on my tithing journey and give what I can to those in need. 

Dear God, help me to be reasonable with myself.  I come before you today in an attitude of willingness and readiness.   You and me, we have a trip to take together.    Help me NOT attempt such huge things that You are not expecting from me.  Sometimes I think my desire to do BIG things has more to do with ME than YOU.

Help me NOT set my standards so low that there is no sacrifice involved.  When I expect too LITTLE of myself, I am not trusting in you.

You are in charge.... help me find the balance between TOO MUCH and TOO LITTLE... help me find the Lenten practices that are JUST RIGHT to help me become a gift back to you.

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