Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Little Miracles

I was thinking today about the miracles we miss.

The ones that happen every day that do not stand up and command our attention.

We are SO busy.... we miss the unfolding of a spring flower.... the song of a bird... the sun peeking out from behind a cloud.... the helping hand of a friend.... the driver who lets us cut in front of him... the special markdown on a grocery item we need.... the dollar bill we found in the dryer.... the letter from the phone company that was NOT a bill.... the million and one little miracles around us every day.  They are SO numerous that we not only take them for granted... we don't even SEE them!

It's time to slow down and take notice!

Dear God,  thank you SO much for all the blessings you give me.  Thank you for surrounding me with your love and care.  Please help me SLOW my life down..... help me stop and BREATHE in your grace..... and look around and truly see all the goodness in my life.  I am truly grateful for this place and this time where you have put me.  Lead me where you need me.... and help me see your loving hand all along the way!


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