Friday, March 18, 2011

Into the desert

While the gospel writers agree that Jesus went into the desert for forty days and was tempted, (and successfully overcame temptation, of course!).... they differ on HOW he got there. 

It is written that he was LED into the desert (Matthew & Luke) .... and it is also written that he was DRIVEN into the desert (Mark).  I like this.  I wonder what it must have been like for him .... to know what was going to happen in the end.... and to allow the whole scenario to play out as intended.  I mean, Jesus is God... so he had to know what that time in the desert was going to prepare him for!

But when I think about Jesus sharing my human condition, I can certainly understand the 'was driven' part... even though he was more than willing to do his father's will.  It is hard to do things when you are afraid or not quite ready.

Lent always hits me differently... sometimes I am prepared and I go serenely into it... other times, it sneaks up on me and I am driven into it...

Dear God, help me be like your son Jesus.  Help me be obedient to you.  Help me overcome my own feelings and go on into the desert to face my demons,  Whether I am prepared or not, please know that I am willing and eager (even when I don't seem that way!)  Help me go forward and be strong in your name.


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