My son keeps humming a song that sticks in my head... the line that keeps resonating with me is "I will go, Lord, where you lead me".
Which , of course, I will.
But why isn't God speaking loudly to me? The call I am hearing tends to be LAUNDRY.... or DINNER... or DUSTING. I am hearing the call to stop what I am doing and SERVE somebody in some way... make a copy and fax it, pick up something at the dry cleaners, clean up something unidentifiable off the floor.
Why can't God call me to go do something BIG? Like lead a group to Africa or some other distant place.... or raise a million dollars to help sick children... or make a BIG impact on the world. Why am I being called to cut out posterboard for Vacation Bible School.. or make soup for a potluck... or send a card to a sick person?
What do you do when God is not calling you to GO anywhere....
What if the "going" God is leading you toward is actually "STAYING"?
Dear God, help me today to appreciate your call! Help me to remember that this isn't about me and my need to feel important. Help me to remember that you love me and have put me right exactly where you need me AND where it is best for me to be right now. My life is filled with your grace... help me to see it and share it in the little ways you provide for me.
Amen! Sometimes the 'call' we think insignificant is the one that is a huge blessing to others. You my friend ARE a huge blessing!!!! ♥
ReplyDeleteWhat a nice thing to say - thanks!