Thursday, March 10, 2011

God's care and comfort

When I was sitting in church last week... one of the prayers really resonated in my brain.   The presider led us in prayer for "God's care and comfort".

What struck me though.... is WHY do we pray for God's care and comfort?  We believe already that God cares for us.  We believe already that God provides for our needs.  Why are we praying that God provide those things for us?

I'd like to suggest that we pray to be open to God's provision.  God's ways are not our ways... we've been made clear on that one... so the care and comfort we are seeking may not look like what we think it should look like.

Perhaps the care will come from someone we do not recognize.

Perhaps the smile a stranger gives us is part of that 'care and comfort'.

Perhaps the offer of help from someone we do not care for... is our opportunity to receive God's care and comfort.

And if we trust God to provide for us... perhaps we need to trust that God knows our needs better than we do.  Maybe our needs are being met already but our expectations are different from God's.

Lots to ponder.... it always brings me back to working on ME to be the best me I can... with God's help that is ALWAYS available :-)

Dear God, help me to SEE and FEEL the love and comfort you give me every day.  Help me to be the person you envisioned when you created me.  Thank you for being my rock!

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