Thursday, March 17, 2011

Whose Voice is it?

I hear so many, many voices telling me what to do, Lord!  Is it YOU?

Is it the world?

Is it my desire?

Am I rationalizing what I want?  Or is this really what YOU want?

Sometimes it's hard to tell..

Sometimes the clamor is deafening.... so many people want so many things.  I think of the gospel passages where Jesus preaches and teaches and heals... and more and more people crowd around him.  And then he needs to go off somewhere else for a while.  I'm guessing he needed to re-charge.  I'm thinking his fisherman apostles put him in the boat and took him into the middle of the lake so he could get a little peace and quiet.

Sometimes it's just pushing.  The world just pushing me, pushing me, pushing me to do certain things.  I can't always tell if these are things I really should do or not.  Even GOOD things... sometimes they are not for ME to do.... but it's hard to tell.

Sometimes it's something that I want for myself.  Is it selfish?  Or is it just right?  Hard to tell, sometimes.

Dear God,  Help me out here.  You are the All Powerful, the Almighty.  You created the master plan.  You are the ONE who knows what is best for  me to do.  Help me hear your call.  Actually, Lord....  you might have to hit me over the head.... but know that I really want to do what YOU want... I just sometimes get caught up in the voices.  So, bear with me, Lord, and help me figure it out.


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