The other day
I watched an osprey.....
Battling the wind in the stormy weather
It was tossed back.... then straightened itself out
..and keep going...
Only to be whipped sideways... and thrown off kilter..
Righting itself again and regaining its course
Again and again.
But as I watched.... that magnificent creature never faltered.
It trusted in its wings, its instinct, its goal..
It never wavered..... it kept right on going!
Dear God.
Help me trust! I am not as fearless as your beautiful osprey. I want to spread my wings.... and soar.... but I am weak on my own. I want to be able to self-correct my course when life tosses me around a bit... but I am clueless without you. I want to be able to fight back to keep flying where you want me to go.... but we both know I can't do it without you. I know that you are always there for me.. but I am forgetful. Please keep me mindful that YOU are that little lift that keeps my spirit strong!
Beautifully said and a great thought to start my morning! Be blessed! ♥