One of my great challenges is to keep the right frame of mind.....
what is that?
well..... it's a little like Alice in the Looking Glass.
At first glance.... a change might be sad..... say, a loss of some kind. A loss of something that brings you security....
..and you mourn.... and you rant and rave.... and you are left with nothing in your hands...
but if you look again....
You are left with endless possibilities....
the emptiness
the nothingness
is the potential of everything!
That which you lost.... once defined you.... secured you, yes.... but by the same token...
bound you
tied you
limited you.
Because of the loss....
you are free....
to start over
to re-create your life
to re-define yourself.
Frightening... absolutely
but exhilarating in a way..
May I never grow too old and tired to accept the challenge to change!
Dear God,
I know that you are never the cause of sadness in my life. You are the source of ultimate joy. To be able to look at things another way.. that is your gift to me... the gift that sustains me, changes me, grows me. I praise you for the challenges that come my way that help me become the person you want me to be. And I ask you for the grace and strength to meet these life situations in the way you would want me to.
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