Sunday, March 4, 2012


Stepping out into a fog-encased world this morning was a solitary experience

Not that I was alone... my pup was snuffling along beside me...

But the cotton batting surrounding us muffled other morning sounds

Except for raindrops....

Big fat raindrops

Plopping one by one

On me and around me

I thought of your blessings, Lord..

Falling on and around me

One by one

HEALTH.... plop!

FAMILY.... plop!

FRIENDS.... plop!

....and smaller ones that I take for granted....

Clothing.... plop!

Food... plop!

Internet... plop!

..and even more blessings fall that I don't take enough notice of...

random smiles.... plop!

budding flowers.... plop!

a stranger's miracle I am privileged to read about... plop!

Blessings and miracles all..... plop!

All around and on me in my quiet morning hour....

thank you, God!

1 comment:

  1. I just love the style of your writing, how inspiring to use the raindrops to be thankful and aware of God's gifts in our lives. Thanks for always bringing me back to the simpler things and making me see how truly blessed I am.
