Thursday, February 23, 2012


I am reminded on this beautiful Spring morning of life and new growth!  We've had a mild winter.... seriously - there has been nothing to complain about here (though I have heard MUCH! :-)  ONE snow.... overnight before a holiday... and melted by the following evening..... easy-peasy.

But the next few weeks will be ones of major swings.... we will have bright sunny warm days... and we will have freezing rainy gray ones.  And during this unpredictable time, a new creation will emerge.... Spring will bring more new growth and beauty than we can imagine.

This period of time reminds us of God's way.  We do not always understand the ins and outs, the ups and downs of life.  We do not understand our losses.. any more than we understand our gains (we just like the gains better!).  But this is God's way.. there IS a master plan.  And the master plan has greater riches than we can imagine.

I want to offer praise to you, God!  Praise for allowing me to be part of an unfolding drama.  Praise for letting me see that many times... the only loss I really have.... is the loss of a dream... MY dream.  And I know - and I thank YOU for that knowing - YOUR plan for me is so much bigger than my own dream.

Thank you, God.  Thank you for blessing me.  Thank you for helping me see truth... the truth that YOU are in control and I am but a small piece of your plan ... thank you for helping me have peace with the things I CAN control.  Thank you for holding me in your hand and allowing me to play a part in this grand life! 

1 comment:

  1. \0/ ... YES! A great reminder that we have much to be excited about and thankful for!!! \0/.....Be blessed!...
