Friday, February 24, 2012

Make Your Dwelling Place in Me

I woke this morning with a plea swimming around in my head....

"Lord, make your dwelling place in my heart!"

And then, the next voice rising.....

"Why, oh why, would the Almighty choose to dwell in YOU?

In all your human brokenness, how could you POSSIBLY be a fit dwelling place for the Lord of Hosts?"

And then, thank you Lord.....

"I am a child of God.  Whatever I lack, God will provide."

A simple statement of faith rising from my half-zombie sleep state.  Wow.

As I shake my grogginess away, I think of my children.  I think of the love I bear them.  And I know that my God... my God of infinite love... loves much harder and stronger and, well.... just BETTER.... than I ever could.

I know that I would want my child to receive me.... no matter what.

Dear God,
        Help me today.  Help me keep you in the front of my mind....... help me remember not only to 'clean house' in my heart and be a fit dwelling place for you..... but to remember that I AM worthy.  You made me worthy.  You WANT me to WANT to receive you and keep you in my heart.


Just like I am.


1 comment:

  1. :) Create in me a clean heart Oh Lord-and renew a right spirit within me!....Amen! ♥
