Hey God! Can you PUH-Lease STOP calling me? I'm really getting tired of all this work you are asking me to do!
Me? You sound stressed.
Wellll...... yes, I am.
Why are you stressed?
You're kidding, right? You called me to do this... and you called me to do that.... and then my husband got sick... and the car got a flat... and I still had to do this thing you asked me to do.
Are you SURE I asked you to do all of that?
OF COURSE! Why else would I have moved heaven and earth to get that done with so much at home to take care of?
Well, honestly, I don't know.
Well, who else was going to do it? No one else can do it as well as I can. That's why you asked me, right?
Hmmmmmm... I agree about taking care of your husband.
But what about the other stuff I had to handle? I'm the only one who knows how to do it right.
Really? You really think that?
I know that. I'm the ONLY one who EVER takes care of those things.
This doesn't sound right to me. Didn't you read the part about 'my yoke being light'?
Of course I read it.. but I didn't get it. There's too much to do! I'm too upset about everything.
Can you tell me WHY you think you are the only one who could handle the stuff you are talking about?
Do you think that just because you have ALWAYS handled it, that I mean for you to ALWAYS handle it?
What else am I supposed to do? No one else will do it.
Did you ask?
Why should I? They are supposed to volunteer to help.
Do they know you NEED help?
Why shouldn't they know that already? I do so much.
That doesn't sound fair.
It's NOT! That's what I am telling you. I can't handle it.
I am always fair. I know you. You can always handle what I ask of you.
Then what is wrong? Do you think I WANT to do everything?
Really? How could that be?
Who sets the standards for the jobs you are doing that you say you don't want to do?
I don't know.... it's the way it's done - well, the way I do it... so I guess..... I must set the standards.
Which maybe MIGHT be why no one does it better...... or why no one thinks you need help?
Maybe. But it would be prideful to think I do it best. I don't think I am prideful. I work hard for you.
You do.
I wish others worked as hard for you as I do.
So do I. I wish SOMEone would give others a chance to do just that.
well... what if it gets done wrong?
Well... what if it does? What if..... it doesn't get done at all?
If I am hearing you right, you are saying that I am prideful. That I think I do everything the best. That some of this stuff I am handling.... you DIDN'T ask me to do? You might not even want it done?
Are you stressed and conflicted?
Then this is easy. It's not from me. I don't cause you stress.
Wow.... You mean all this running around is NOT for you? Well, that is just a bit crazy then. I need to think about this.
No you don't. You know your priorities. Focus on those and hand off the other stuff that is worrying you so much. If no one picks it up.... maybe it doesn't need to be done.
Huh... I guess I'm not as important as I thought.
Ohhhh..... you are wrong there. You are very important. As a matter of fact, you are a critical part of my plan. That is why I take such good care of you. When you let me, that is.
So I guess I can turn this over to you now?
Now you are getting the idea.
Okay God, I am officially scaling back and letting you handle things. But do me a favor?
When there is something you REALLY want me to do... will you make sure I know what it is?
I always do. Now go to sleep and let me do my job.
Okay God. thanks. It always helps when I talk to you.
You know, I sit here all day waiting to hear you say that. Now go to sleep and talk to me sooner tomorrow!
:) Oh oh -- Have you been listening in on some the conversations I have with God???
ReplyDeleteLOVE it and a great way to start a Sunday...LOL