Tuesday, November 17, 2015

What a Beautiful Morning!

Oh my goodness!  What a beautiful morning you have created for me to walk in today!  A little chilly but the sunshine is glorious!

I'm glad you like it.

I can't help but worry a little though.

You always do that!


Worry!  Can't you just enjoy my gift to you?

I try.  Honest I do.  But it's Sunday!


I'm supposed to be in church.


Yes.... but it's complicated.  I live so far from my old church.  And I'm trying to make connections with the people I am already close to, you know.. the ones I live with or near or am related to?

So you are alone walking in my beautiful morning worrying about being in church?

Yes.  Well, I do have the dogs to walk with.

So.. then, you are taking care of a responsibility WHILE you are enjoying my gift and talking with me?

Yes.  But it's been a while since I've gone to church and I miss it.

But not enough to go?

Not exactly.... it's more like deciding where.  I have multiple choices within an hour's driving time.  And I work that far away so much.  I like being home when I can.

You have choices closer to home, surely.

Yes, I think so - but not the religion I was raised in.  That I am familiar with.


Okay - I hear you.  I don't care about that so much in the grand scheme of things.  But I don't know anyone I feel close to who attends anywhere closer.  And I think it's about community, right?

Okay - I see you are conflicted.  But if I understand correctly... you are wanting to feel community with someone before you gather to worship me.  

Yes.  But I can't help feeling that the answer will come to me eventually if I am patient.

And faithful?


Well... aren't you doing that?


Being patient and faithful.  Well, faithful anyway.  You are enjoying my beautiful gift and talking with me.  AND worrying about worshiping me correctly.  

Okay - now I sound silly.

Yes, sometimes.  But I love you.  And I appreciate your concern.  AND your fathfulness.  Now one more thing...


Stop worrying.  And be patient.  And keep talking to me.  I have this.

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